More than 25 years of experience has led to a model that is rooted in relationships and proven to work for the evolving needs of our communities.

Build Community

Given our Colorado focus, we are highly attuned to the specific needs and gaps within the diverse communities of our state. From state legislators to agency partners and front-line workers, we leverage our trusted relationships to facilitate community conversations to best understand the specific needs of young children and families during pregnancy through age 5.

Identify Best-in-Class Programs

Our staff uses data and research to identify the most well-researched, respected evidence-based programs available serving young children and families. We invest in the due diligence to ensure the right program is a fit for the specific needs of each community.

Educate and Prepare

The expertise of the IIK team allows us to understand the research and science of each program, and to effectively translate it into the hands of our partners across Colorado. We collaborate with community leaders and facilitate conversations with broad-based groups to ensure early engagement, and continuously innovate and problem solve for long-term program success.


Apply the Science of Implementation

We adhere to best practices and use research-based methods to guide the successful implementation of IIK’s programs. We support communities through all stages, from exploration to installation. This includes establishing the right team, processes and procedures, referral sources, and working through any barriers families or partners may face to accessing our programs.



Evidence-Based Programs


IIK Expert


Better futures for Colorado's kids.

Support, Train, and Evaluate

IIK provides ongoing program training, consultation and coaching, evaluation, and quality improvement support to our community partners. Our expert team of practitioners, nurses, teachers, social workers, and coaches accomplishes this by:

  • Serving as a guiding, supportive resource on best implementation practice to help innovate and adapt to any challenges that arise.
  • Providing the training and tools needed to decipher and make actionable plans based on data, unlocking continuous improvement.
  • Collaborating on metrics and outcomes that define program quality.

Advocate for Sustainable Funding

We actively work with key decision makers at all levels of government to help secure each program’s funding. By leveraging our time and expertise to identify opportunities, we seek out everything from federal, state, and local grants to investment from private foundations and individual donors. Together, we ensure the ongoing budgetary support required for long-term success and sustainability of programs state-wide.

Share Learnings

The model IIK has developed over two decades means we have the data, infrastructure and experience to help states nationwide replicate the success we’ve seen in Colorado. We are dedicated to sharing our quality assurance practices, and community collaboration successes at every level, including nationally, to support other states wishing to scale evidence-based programs.